Breathing Problems

Primary Care for Breathing Problems

Telemedical Options: Yes Breathing problems are a common health issue, which can be caused by a variety of reasons.  Several things can cause difficulty breathing:
  • allergic reactions
  • pollutants in the air 
  • smoke inhalation
  • being unfit or obese
  • lung collapse
  • lung disease (like asthma or COPD)
  • pulmonary embolism
  • infections
  • anemia
  • anxiety
  • heart disease
Trouble with breathing can occur suddenly by a trigger in the environment or it can be a symptom of another condition. For example, some people experience breathing problems after Covid or after vigorous exercise. 
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What Are the Symptoms of Breathing Problems?

If you have problems breathing, then you might be experiencing these breathing problem symptoms:

  • coughing
  • wheezing
  • tightness in your chest
  • pain in your chest
  • shortness of breath
  • dizziness
  • fatigue
  • shallow breathing
  • blue discoloration around fingers or lips
  • rapid breathing
  • hoarseness
  • coughing phlegm or mucus

These symptoms resemble the symptoms of other conditions that could be causing your breathing problems. This is why it is important to go to primary care for shortness of breath or any other breathing problem symptoms. 

Types of Breathing Problems

There are many different types of breathing problems that can affect your health. Some breathing problems can be short-term because of an infection like a cold or they can be long-term because of a chronic disorder like asthma.

  • Hyperventilation: This is when you breathe faster and your body needs to get rid of excess carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide can throw off the balance in your blood. This can be caused by exercise, anxiety, or disorders like asthma.
  • Dyspnea: This is when you feel a shortness of breath as if you can’t get enough air into your lungs. It can be a sign of an asthma attack or a heart attack because it is a common symptom of lung and heart issues.
  • Bradypnea: This is a condition that causes the person to have a slow and shallow breathing pattern. It can be caused by various reasons, but it is most commonly caused by an obstruction of the airways.
  • Tachypnea: This is the term for increased respiratory rate. It’s a sign of several conditions, including asthma, heart failure, congestive heart failure, and bronchitis.
  • Hyperpnea: This is when you are breathing in more air but not at a faster rate. This could occur during exercise or due to a condition that makes it difficult to get oxygen.

Treatment for Breathing Problems

Does primary care do breathing treatment? Yes, at The MedBerry Network, we can help determine the cause of your breathing problems and provide you with a customized primary-care breathing treatment.

Breathing problems are so widespread that accurate treatment starts with identifying the true cause of the issue. Your medical history would need to be examined to determine if you have any risk factors for lung disease, heart disease, infections, respiratory disorders, or anything of that sort.

Treatments can include oral medications, nasal sprays, decongestants, or inhalers. This all depends on the exact cause of your difficulty in breathing. 

Get the Treatment You Need for Your Breathing Problems

Get the specialized care you need for your breathing problems at The MedBerry Network. Here, you can get breathing treatment at a primary care facility that understands your needs.

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