MedBerry Mental Health

Quality Mental Health Services in San Antonio

At MedBerry Clinic, we treat a wide range of mental health issue from ADHD, anxiety, depression, to Opioid Use Disorder. We strive to provide immediate in-person or telehealth appointments in order to help patients when they are in crisis. Make your initial appointment and a board-certified provider will complete a full psychiatric evaluation and make appropriate treatment recommendations, such as therapy or medication, based on each patient’s needs.

Why Should You Trust MedBerry With Your Mental Health Needs?

Mental and physical health are deeply interconnected. Poor mental health can lead to physical health problems, and vice versa. At MedBerry Clinic, we provide both physical and mental health services under one roof. We have a certified psychiatric provider who can offer a thorough assessment, counseling, treatment and therapy. Our team offers white-glove service to all our patients, and we care about you as a patient and a person. You are our priority!

What Conditions Do We Treat

  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar
  • Substance Abuse via Medication-Assisted Treatment
  • Schizophrenia
  • Insomnia / Narcolepsy

What is Medication-Assisted Treatment for opioid use disorder?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three medications that safely and effectively treat opioid use disorder (OUD) to improve the health and wellbeing of people living with OUD. Medication-Assisted Treatment is defined by on-going, long-term treatment with one of the following three medications. Methadone (1) and buprenorphine(2) work by reducing cravings and preventing withdrawal. Naltrexone(3) works by blocking the effects of opioids in the body.

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